“I crossed the world to tell lost souls
About the greatest of all goals.
To preach the message of Christ the Lord,
To help their lives to his example mold.
I spent my days in diligent study,
To ensure God’s Word I did not muddy.
Because I wanted to say what was right
I studied intently both day and night.
When I was not studying and preaching God’s Word
I was spending time caring for the people of the Lord.
Doing my best to see to their needs,
Never wanting others to question my deeds.
Sadly, there was one thing I forgot,
Though at the time it did not seem a possible plot.
For in all of my efforts to lead others to life,
I failed to remember my kids and my wife.
And now as I look back over the years,
I have found the pain of the preacher’s greatest fear.
That in my zeal to proclaim God’s Word,
I failed to keep my family with the Lord.”
Preachers face many challeges in life,
For there is always another question or strife.
But we must not forget in the midst of the war
That saving our families is our primary chore.
Lord, help me always to make time for my wife,
To train my kids and prepare them for life,
To lead them down the narrow way,
And not give them excuse to depart from the way.
Preachers must be mindful of the struggles of time on a daily basis. Let us keep our priorities straight, for there is no excuse for one ignoring the souls of one’s family.