Bible Studies - Audio Series
Example Recommendation:
Wendell Winkler – The Prison Episodes: Ephesians (1 - 6)
Why? Preach-able outline for Predestination from Lesson 1
My preaching of it:
Franklin Camp – Redemption Through the Bible
Purchase individual books of the Bible from:
Why? This is, in my opinion, the best commentary in the brotherhood. Brother Camp has a way of making you think deeper about the Scriptures. If I had to keep one set of material from my entire library, it would be these recordings.
~~~~~Note ~~~~
Less expensive than books.
Some of the recordings are less than great quality. I have cleaned up some of them for myself. If you purchase some and need them cleaned up, I will send you my cleaned-up version if you can verify you’ve purchased the audio for that book of the Bible.
I listen at 1.25 – 1.5x Speeds to keep my attention better while listening.
Bible Studies - Video Series
International Video Bible Lessons series on Old and New Testament Apocalyptic Prophets:
Why? One of the most comprehensive, logical, and textual views of these three books, especially Revelation, that I have come across.
Revelation -
General Listening
Bible Read Aloud: (app) – different versions, choose non-dramatized.
ESV Bible (app)
Truth.FM (app)
Why? Radio stations playing brotherhood content from all over the world.
Audiobooks I Recommend:
Advantages of Audible – if you are a subscriber and use a Credit to purchase a book, you may get a refund on that credit for essentially any reason, even if you listened to the whole book, if you weren’t satisfied with the book.
Material from Brotherhood writers:
The Christian Graces (Adam Cozort)
[There should be more material from the brotherhood on Audible]Note: many of these recommendations are not from Christians and therefore might contain un-biblical beliefs, content or positions. (Eat the meat, not the bones.)
Marriage and Family:
His Needs Her Needs (Willard F Harley, Jr)
Love Busters: Overcoming Habits that Destroy Romantic Love (Willard F Harley, Jr)
NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children (Po Bronson; Ashley Merryman)
Leadership, Business, Planning, Ministry Skills
Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reverses to Overloaded Lives
(Richard A. Swenson, MD)
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In (Roger Fisher; William Ury)
Why: Develop skills for working with members and congregations to solve problems, issues, and make progress without giving up what is important.
Atomic Habits - An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones
Why: Emphasis on doing what you can do well and leaving off doing what you’re terrible at.
The Morning Miracle
Recommended not for the book as much as the marketing approach – every chapter leads the reader to his website and offers a free additional resource. More preachers in the brotherhood should write this way while still providing real value in their writing.
Hacking Leadership (Mike Myatt)
Why? Skills and tools for developing Leaders in the local congregation.
Your Best Year Ever (Michael Hyatt)
Why? Balanced planning for a year, not just for business, or work goals.
Platform – Get Noticed in a Noisy World (Michael Hyatt)
Biblical Topics from Non-Christians
Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes
*NOT for the doctrine!!*
- But makes important points about interpretation.
- Listen to the Sample even if you don’t buy the book.
(Brandon J. O'Brien, E. Randolph Richards)
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It is approximately 1 minute in length each day and includes a single though to get your day started.
Other Brotherhood Sources
Live Event Recordings
PTP Spark -
Tullstar -
Power Lectureship -
Memphis School of Preaching Lectureship -